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After 30 years of ministry, I think I’ve just about seen it all. I know what it’s like to start with nothing and build a successful church. I've been through the highs and the lows. One thing I know for sure. You can't do ministry alone.


About Pastor Gary

Our church started with no people and no money and grew to over 1,500 people worshipping on 10 acres of prime property in the greater Fort Lauderdale area. I recently transitioned leadership of our church to a new generation of leaders. Today, the majority of our leaders are in their 30's and 20's and our church is now positioned to reach a whole new generation of people for Jesus.


I have dedicated my remaining ministry years to serving other pastors, churches and church leaders at no charge. The Barna Research Group reports that 42% of today's pastor's would resign if they could afford to, and over 40% are clinically depressed. Ministry is hard and pastors are struggling. I want to help you.


I am part of a network of seasoned leaders and friends who also want to help you. Whether it is just talking or coaching over a zoom call, a retreat to help you refresh, restore and reconnect with other pastors and peers who can become a new support system for you, or an onsite visit to your church to offer comprehensive feedback about your systems and strategies, I want to help. If you are planting a church or are a pastor in need, let's get connected!


Don't Do Ministry Alone,




Gary  Mauro


How Can I Serve You?


Pastors Colorado white water raftinG retreat
Date tba


Pastor to pastor
ministry coaching



pastor soul care and mentoring retreats

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